
Gym Plans & Budget Top Board 5’ S Feb 8 Meeting

Proposals for the city’s next capital and expense budget and plans for two new gymnasiums in Ridgewood and Glendale will be the focus of Community Board 5’s next meeting on Wednesday night, Feb. 8, in Middle Village.

As announced by District Manager Gary Giordano, the session will take place beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of Christ the King Regional High School, located at 68-02 Metropolitan Ave.

The agenda includes a public hearing regarding the mayor’s preliminary capital and expense budget for the city’s 2013 fiscal year, which begins on July 1.

Thereafter, the board will hold a public hearing regarding an application with the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) for the operation of a physical culture establishment at 329 Wyckoff Ave. (Block 3444, Lot 33) in Ridgewood. The site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Wyckoff Avenue, Myrtle Avenue and Palmetto Street.

The application was submitted by Sheldon Lobell, the law firm representing the owners of the property, 329 Wyckoff Realty LLC. It is expected that the new gym will be a Planet Fitness franchise.

Following the hearings, the board will move with its regular agenda, which includes a public forum, a review of liquor license applications and demolition notices and committee reports.

The board’s Zoning and Land Use Committee will also ask the whole advisory body to vote on a recommendation regarding a proposed physical culture establishment at 65- 45 Otto Rd. in Glendale. Additionally, the Executive Committee will also make its recommendations regarding the proposed street festivals to be held in the Board 5 area this year.

For additional information or to register to speak in advance, call Board 5’s Glendale office at 1-718- 366-1834 during business hours.