
Hey, give that cop a medal – Special salute to 61st Precinct police officers

By Tom Tracy

Members of the 61st Precinct put serving and protecting aside for a few moments recently to honor the men and women who helped the command celebrate another safe year. Holding their 2006 Medal Day ceremony at Kingsborough Community College, Captain Vincent Stella, the commanding officer of the 61st Precinct honored the rank and file cops who protect the community each and every day. While every cop received awards provided by the 61st Precinct Community Council, additional honors were given to the officers that have been named “Cop of the Month” over the past year. Awards were also bestowed to civilian employees, auxiliary officers and cops who were currently serving in the military. The Cop of the Year award was given to Police Officer Kevin Sheehan, the precinct’s Intelligence Officer and member of the station house’s anti crime team, who assisted in the apprehension of three men wanted for robbing and slashing a woman in Sheepshead Bay this past September. A special Distinguished Service Award was given to retiring Lieutenant Paul Putkowski, who was not only honored for cracking a cash register robbery ring back in September, but for being a major part of the precinct’s heart. “Paul is a very giving person,” Captain Stella explained at a recent meeting. “On those occasions when there’s a tragedy and someone raises money to help the people that was affected, here at the 61st Precinct, that person was usually Paul.” Cops left the medal day ceremony proud that they have helped reduce crime in the command by nearly 17 percent this year. The 61st Precinct protects residents in Manhattan Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Homecrest and parts of Gravesend and Midwood.