
Search for Ridge’s brightest

By Helen Klein

High school seniors who live in or attend school in Bay Ridge should start sharpening their pencils. As it has done every year since 1973, the Kassenbrock Brothers Memorial Scholarship Fund is seeking worthy students, who have resumes rich in community service, to apply for the scholarships, which will be handed out in May to college-bound students. Mary Ann Walsh, the administrator of the fund, told members of the Bay Ridge Community Council (BRCC), gathered in the community room at Shore Hill, 9000 Shore Road, that the fund was beginning its annual student search. “We’re so happy to see so many young people doing so much good,” she stressed. Applications will be sent to area schools in February. Students who wish to be considered must fill out an application and write an essay explaining how their community service has affected their lives. Applications are due back by April 1st, Walsh said. Barbara Vellucci, the president of BRCC, explained, “You do not be an A student; you do not have to get 1600 on the SAT. We look primarily for community service, particularly when it is not school-related, when you are not forced to do the community service for your graduation requirements.” The scholarship awards, added Vellucci, are, “Not based on monetary or financial need. It’s based on what they’ve done in service to others. The Kassenbrock fund was given to us as trustees to give back to the community, to reward community service, and that’s exactly what we want to do.” In 2006, 14 college-bound students from five different high schools received grants of between $1,000 and $4,000, out of a total pot of $28,000 raised by the scholarship fund from a variety of sources. The scholarship fund was established in memory of the founders of the BRCC. Requests for applications can be sent to David Whitebook, P.O. 09001, Fort Hamilton Station, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Those interested in contributing to the fund, which is in the middle of its fund-raising appeal, according to Walsh, can send donations to the same address. “All contributions are gratefully accepted,” she stressed.