
DA says Far Rock man beat, robbed victims

FAR ROCKAWAY — A Far Rockaway man was accused of beating and robbing two other men within two different early March confrontations and was arraigned last week, the Queens district attorney’s office said.

Bail was set at $10,000, with his next appearance date scheduled for May 8, the DA said.

According to the DA, Bryant Mercado, 19, approached two men at separate occasions March 15 around 8 p.m. with two others and beat them with a bat before stealing their cell phones and one man’s ring. Mercado was charged with robbery, assault and criminal mischief, the DA said.

Reports from the DA said Mercado acted with Jeffrey Morel, who used a bat; Andy Carvajal, who helped punch and kick the first victim; and Yeisy Gonzalez, who accompanied him for the second beating.

The DA said the first incident occurred behind 22-10 New Haven Ave., in which Mercado, Morel and Carvajal attacked Giancerlo Costillo before stealing his cell phone from his pocket. The victim received several bruises and swelling, the DA said.

The second incident, the DA said, occurred soon after behind the nearby 22-10 Brookhaven Ave., in which Mercado, Morel and Gonzalez approached Johnny Colon’s vehicle before striking both Colon and the car’s hood and windshield with a baseball bat. Colon was pulled out of the car and beat in the face and body, the DA said.

During the beating, the DA said the men reached in his pocket and took his cell phone before removing a ring from his finger. Colon was taken to Jamaica Hospital, where doctors said he sustained multiple facial fractures requiring surgery to wire his jaw shut, the DA said.