
No life terms for judges

By Nicolas Zizelis

Poor Ted Cruz. The Canadian-born senator of Texas and just one of the slew of Republican presidential candidates is apoplectic at the very thought that the United States Supreme Court majority voted that marriage between two people of the same sex is now legal in all 50 states. In his overwhelming grief he then made a statement that struck home and that I have long advocated.

I could not believe I would ever be able to agree with anything emanating from the mouth of Ted Cruz, but never say never. He suggests that judges should be voted into office such as are the executive and legislative branches of our country and he’s right; (plus an eight year term limit.). The theory of a lifetime appointment was in order to avoid “retribution” incurred by either of the other two branches, and the sole manner in which a judge could maintain his seat was to exhibit “good behavior.”

Our SCOTUS should represent today’s country, not the old tenets with which the justices were originally appointed. Once again it’s the competition between regression, stagnation and progression.

Nicholas Zizelis
